It’s no secret that thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our borders each and every week… and with the full support and blessing of the current illegitimate “presidential ” administration. On 1/1/24, it was reported that we accepted 300,000 illegals during the month of December 2023 alone! And the latest travesty is that currently in San Diego, CA, on Spanish-speaking radio stations, they are encouraging the immigrants to return to Mexico, then re-enter the U.S. AGAIN, to collect another $2,200.00 payment that is given to them upon arrival. They are encouraging these illegals to go back and forth across the border once per week, as no cross-checking of their previous entry is apparently being recorded! Upon arrival, each and every one of them receives federal aid in the forms of direct payouts, health care, a cell phone(!), the ability and right to vote in our upcoming elections, among other benefits. Think about what I just said… let it sink in… and if you have an ounce of common sense, you should only reach one conclusion: THAT THIS IS INSANITY! I read just a short time ago that the number of illegal immigrants in this country outnumbers the entire population of New Jersey!
The current resident of the Oval Office is committing treason each and every day he does nothing to secure our border. He swore an oath to protect this country from all threats, both foreign and domestic, and he has done nothing to secure this nation from the invading drug cartels, human traffickers, criminals, spies and whomever else has an interest in destroying our country through this channel of complete anonymity (i.e., unverified identities) and ease of entry. Correction: he has actually REVERSED the security that the previous administration had put in place. So that, in my opinion, makes him twice as responsible. This offense is still punishable by hanging according to the law, and I truly hope that when the rule of law is once again being enforced throughout this country, that all responsible parties will be swiftly brought to justice.