The primary goal of this site is to show Congress that there is enough support across the country to warrant a repeal of the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment, passed in 1947, limits any sitting president to only two terms in office. Yet members of Congress are not bound by the same restraints. A perfect example is the person currently occupying the Oval Office after a stolen election. Biden has been a member of the Senate for over 40 years! Yet, his accomplishments (those that actually benefitted something besides his own bank account) are largely unknown. This is not to say that all Senators are as corrupt as Joe Biden. But the fact remains that once in office, many fall prey to the unscrupulous aspects of the position, and are swayed by the potential financial rewards offered by selling their influence within the halls of Congress. If this weren’t true, then how could so many Senators become multi-millionaires when their yearly salary doesn’t correspond with attaining so much wealth?
The argument for keeping no term limits in place within the Senate has always been “If the electorate isn’t happy with the job being done, then they can vote anyone they chose out of office”. Though this is true in principle, we all know that once in office, they become part of the political machine that spends millions during every election to keep their respective party in power. And unfortunately, Congress will never vote for term limits, as they would be putting themselves out of a very lucrative job.
It is the contention of that if “no term limits” applies to members of Congress, then it should also apply to the president. Especially if the sitting president is doing an excellent job of running the country. Why should he or she have to halt the progress achieved because a final term has expired? And we all know that once the opposing party gets into office, the first thing it does is reverse all the policies of the previous administration. We witnessed this with the stolen 2020 election. As soon as Biden took office, he spent days revoking all of Presidents Trump’s executive orders, and then proceeded to implement his own contrarian policies, bent on destroying this country from within.
Future members, this is why we are here. If you add your email address to our petition to repeal the 22nd amendment, you will be demonstrating to Congress that we are tired of the status quo, and we are demanding a level playing field for all government officials. There will either be term limits for all facets of government, or no term limits for any voter-elected position. If you agree, please show your support by adding your email address to the “Sign Our Petition” page. Your email address will not be stored or sold, as described on our “Your Email is Safe With Us” page. If all true patriots and MAGA supporters join our cause, I’m sure we can make this necessary change a reality.