Petition to Reverse the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
When you add your email address to this Petition to Reverse the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, you become a member of the Your membership signifies your support of this cause, which if it becomes law, will allow any sitting president to continue their time in office without term restrictions. If any president is doing a good job and has more important work to do before leaving office, then that president should be able to continue the job he or she started. As a public servant, the president can always be voted out by the electorate, just as any member of Congress.
As this applies to President Trump, when he is rightfully back in office, it will most likely take more than four years to straighten out the unbelievable mess that the current resident of the Oval Office has created. The deep-state cancer that has infected almost every avenue of government has to be removed . What was referred to prior to 2020 as the Washington “swamp” has now become an ocean, spreading from coast to coast across this entire country. This nation has to return to the rule of law, and any and all compromised courts, judges, law enforcement agencies and public officials have to be removed or otherwise be held accountable for their actions. The U.S.A. is still a republic and not a socialist, communist or authoritarian-ruled nation.
Whether you call yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent, by signing this petition your are demonstrating your loyalty to, and belief in, the founding principles that have made America the greatest nation on earth. You are leaving this site as a member of the Patriot Party!