Hello to all future members of the Forever47.club!
The purpose of this website is simple: to garner enough support to facilitate the reversal of the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This is the amendment that prohibits the president of the United States from serving more than two terms. This amendment was ratified on February 27, 1951, and for the most part over the past seven decades, has served the country well. Most presidents accomplish a reasonable number of goals that they have set, make their mark on history, and after having served the people of this great country to the best of their abilities, retire from public service to write their memoirs and build their presidential library to chronicle their time in office for future generations to review.
But once in a great while… at least 72 years as of this writing… a president comes along who not only achieves every goal that he set during his campaign, but accomplishes much more than any of his predecessors had ever accomplished. I am of course referring to our 45th president, Donald J. Trump. He has impacted every sector of society in this country for the better. During his first term he increased jobs by bringing manufacturing back to America. President Trump rebuilt the military to the point of once again being respected as the greatest group of armed forces on earth. He had fixed the issues plaguing the Veterans Administration so that all members of the military would once again get the respect that they so richly deserve for having served and sacrificed for our country. He had either canceled or renegotiated many major trade deals with foreign countries, which prior to him becoming president, were not in the best interest of the United States. President Trump secured our borders, and enacted sensible immigration laws and policies designed to allow legal entry into the country with a path to U.S. citizenship. And perhaps his greatest accomplishment (among his many on the world stage) was one that almost every other politician going back over the past 40+ years said could never happen: achieving peace in the Middle East. An accomplishment for which he rightfully deserved a Nobel Peace Prize, but received virtually no recognition!
When President Trump is back in his rightful office beginning Jan 1, 2025, he faces a monumental task: To restore the dignity and strength of this once-great nation, both in the eyes of the citizenry, as well as in the eyes of the world. This is no insignificant undertaking. He has to finish draining the swamp, which since Biden took office, has become deeper and more widespread than ever before. He has to secure the border once again. He has to begin the deportation process for millions of illegal immigrants. He has to curb/reverse inflation, restore the rule of law across the entire nation by dismantling the FBI and DOJ and rebuilding these organizations from the ground up. After doing so, these organizations should pursue formal criminal charges against all the players who have committed crimes of treason, extortion, bribery, election interference and voter fraud, obstruction of justice, etc., regardless of their position, public or private. He has to regain our energy independence. He has to restore the balance of trade with nations around the world, so we are not continuing to import more goods and services than we export. He has to rebuild the military so it once again the greatest and most feared assemblage of armed forces in the world. And the list goes on and on and on…
As you review the pages contained on this site, I’m hoping that you will agree with the arguments posed for allowing our elected president in 2024, whomever he or she may be, to not have to give up the job after only two terms (unless they are voted out by the electorate, or they themselves choose to retire from office). The president should, like any member of Congress, be allowed to remain in office for as many terms as the electorate dictates. The argument against term limits has always been, “if the voters don’t like the job being done by their elected officials, then they can vote them out of office.” So, if that argument is valid, then why shouldn’t it also apply to the president of the United States? Especially if that president is doing an exemplary job, and could accomplish much more if it were not for the constraints of a two-term presidency. If you agree, we will ask you to sign your name to our Petition to Repeal the 22nd Amendment. Once you sign on, you will officially become a member of the Forever47.club.
Sit back, take some time and explore the site… and maybe with enough voices, we can change the course of history!